Lift Simulator

Order Code: 22235521.2.31

Category: General Lab Equipment I

Specifications: The power supply is 24VDC, the maximum current 1A. The magneto-thermal protections are circuit devices inside the module. It is composed of a cabin M that performs the function of uphill and downhill on the floors. The pos...



  1. The power supply is 24VDC, the maximum current 1A.
  2. The magneto-thermal protections are circuit devices inside the module.
  3. It is composed of a cabin M that performs the function of uphill and downhill on the floors.
  4. The position of the cabin, during uphill and downhill, is detected by 5 NO limit switches (micro switch: M0, M1, M2, MD, MU). The first three (M0, M1, M2) detect the floors according to the following order: M0 for the il ground floor, M1 for the first floor, M2 for the second floor. The remaining two limit switches (MD - MU) are, respectively, the first one for the safety of the overrun downward and the second one for the safety of the overrun upward.

The panel of the module consists of:

  1. ¾ 3 NO pushbuttons for calling to the floor, named P0, P1 and P2 (P0 ground floor, P1 first floor and P 2 second floor).
  2. ¾ 3 green LED (floor presence): F0, F1 and F2 (F0 ground floor, F1 first floor and F2 second floor).
  3. ¾ In the “lift cabin” section, we have the NO pushbuttons named: C0, C1 and C2, which replicate the function of the pushbuttons named P0, P1 and P2. In the same section, we also have the green LED, named: F0, F1 and F2, and the red LED, named: up, down and DO.

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