PLL Circuits

Order Code: 22236079.4.37

Category: General Lab Equipment I

With panels made in metal case with bench support and the electrical scheme on the front panel.  The board shall contain all the circuits necessary to make phase locked loop systems (PLL) suitable for several applications in the telecommunicatio...


With panels made in metal case with bench support and the electrical scheme on the front panel.  The board shall contain all the circuits necessary to make phase locked loop systems (PLL) suitable for several applications in the telecommunications field. The main purpose of this board shall be  to allow the study and the understanding of PLL circuits design and operation.
The board must include all the basic blocks of a PLL system for frequency synthesis and signal demodulation. Each block will be studied either as a separate unit or as a subsystem of the full circuit. This panel shall include the following elements: reference oscillator, phase detector, LPF, voltage controlled oscillator, 4 programmable decade counters, and fixed decade counter.

Technical Features:
High Stability Reference Frequency (Quartz): 1 kHz
Frequency of the voltage controlled oscillator: 10 MHz
Power supply: +15 Vdc, 100 mA, -15 Vdc, 50 mA, + 5 Vdc, 200 mA

With this module it must be possible to perform the following exercises:

  • Analysis of the VCO operation and drawing of a V-F graph
  • Definition of the characteristics of the low-pass filter

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