Traffic Signal Control

Order Code: 22235521.2.30

Category: General Lab Equipment I

Specifications: The module is composed of: Three traffic lights and a pedestrian crossing on request. The three traffic lights are placed on the east, south and west sides of the crossroads, while the pedestrian crossing on request is placed...



The module is composed of:

  1. Three traffic lights and a pedestrian crossing on request. The three traffic lights are placed on the east, south and west sides of the crossroads, while the pedestrian crossing on request is placed on the north side.
  2. Five NO pushbuttons named E sw, S sw, W sw, N sw ad Cr sw, placed at the relevant cardinal points or near the pedestrian crossing, as in the case of the Cr sw pushbutton. They can be used for different functions, such as, for example: call of the green pedestrian crossing, start of the cycle or of the sequence, stop of the cycle or of the sequence, start of the flashing and more, if needed.

Therefore, the front panel of the module includes:

  1. ¾ 8 outputs, plus the common of the outputs (green terminal).
  2. ¾ 5 inputs, plus the common of the inputs (blue terminal).
  3. The module must be supplied, by means of an external power supply, at 24 Vdc.
  4. Important note: during the initial operation test, the common of the inputs (blue terminal) must be connected to the negative supply terminal 0 Vdc, while the common of the outputs (green terminal) to the positive supply terminal 24 Vdc.
  5. For what concerns the nomenclature of inputs and outputs, refer to the functional diagrams of the following pages.

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