Calibration Of Thermocouple, RTD, Thermister Setup

Order Code: 52279

Category: Process Control Trainers

The Calibration of Thermocouple, RTD setup gives an idea regarding calibration procedure for temperature transducers such as RTD, Thermocouple &Thermisters. Features Compact Ergonomic Design. User Friendly, Self Explanatory Systems. ...


The Calibration of Thermocouple, RTD setup gives an idea regarding calibration procedure for temperature transducers such as RTD, Thermocouple &Thermisters.


  1. Compact Ergonomic Design.
  2. User Friendly, Self Explanatory Systems.
  3. Robust Construction.
  4. Enhanced Electrical Safety Considerations.
  5. Training Manuals & Mimic Charts for Operation Ease.
  6. Inbuilt Safety Measures to avoid improper usage.


  1.  Study of Calibration of RTD, Thermisters and Thermocouple

Services Required

  1. Electric Supply of 1φ 230 VAC.
Technical Specifications
  1. Temperature range:  0-300ºC
  2. Calibration facility for thermocouple & RTD
  3. 7-segment LED display for temperature Indicator controller
  4. Test point for Thermister, RTD (Resistance Measurement).
  5. Test point for voltage measurement for Thermocouple.
  6. 3-½-digit display.
  7. Dry Temperature block with insertion points for RTD, THERMOCOUPLE and THERMISTER
  8. System Dimensions- 4Ft. (L) X 2 Ft. (W) X 4 Ft. (H)

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